Monday, 22 January 2018

Betrayal of Voters or Influential Woman in power?

Jacinda Adern, Prime-minister for New Zealand announced recently that In June later this year, Her and partner Clark Gayford will be welcoming a third member of their team. Yes the Prime Minister Is pregnant. having known this since October when the Government Coalition of Labour, Greens And NZ First took place. But the big Question around her news is this. Jacinda Adern: Betrayal of Voters Or Influential Woman In Power. Personally I would go with the second. This is exciting news for all voters and the parents to be. Seeing such a strong woman in this position of power having a baby whilst in office humanizes the idea of politics. The old fashioned ideas that woman couldn't be in power, only in domestics and motherhood were altered but never gone, they changed to: A woman can be in power or be a Domestic Mother. This exciting and thrilling news shows that Jacinda Adern can be a woman in power whilst entering motherhood. she can do both! And that itself humanizes her position, makes her more relate able to the women not only in NZ but around the globe entering motherhood. If Jacinda can run the country with a newborn at home then we women can do anything! Unfortunately not all of the world see's it in such a positive manner... UK columnist Liz Jones has recently taken to the press to voice her opinion of the matter,  "Oh please! Giving birth months after winning an election isn't multi-tasking, It's more a betrayal of voters. It's worse than Damian Green and those porngate claims! At least he could snap his laptop shut if World War III broke out. What will a new mum PM do? Hurry back from [the supermarket], wailing: 'I'm sorry I missed Armageddon, but we'd run out of organic Ella's Kitchen'?".  This statement of a so called betrayal is incorrect. The Labour Greens NZF coalition have congratulated the Prime-minister on her and Gayford's Pregnancy and back her 100%. Jones made truly rude comments about The team speech, saying "team will expand from two to three. Yuk! Even I've now got morning sickness. They're not a team. What's baby going to be? Minister for Midday Naps?". It is so unnecessary for someone like Jones whom this news doesn't even affect to be rude and commonly nasty. It is none of her concern what OUR prime-minister does. All in All, as a young  Labour fan and Volunteer during 2017's campaign I wish Our Prime-Minister and Clark a wonderful time bringing their bundle of joy to our world and thank her for the work she has done so far and being open and honest with us.

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